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MEAN JEANS : Singles

This epic 20 song collection comps singles, compilation appearances, a few covers (White Wires, Big Eyes, Sparks) and one track from deep in the vaults making its vinyl debut!

Originally released on labels such as Dirtnap (natch!) Goner, Trouble In Mind, It’s Alive, Big Neck, and more, Singles works as a great overview of a now established band’s humble beginnings and subsequent progression. Listening to these songs reminds us of why we fell so hard for these guys in the first place, it’s been really fun for us here at Dirtnap to revisit some of this stuff!

It’s all covered, from their earliest 2 piece recordings, to the 1st album era with Howie Doodat on bass, to their current, slightly (but not much!) more polished lineup with Junior Jeans. This comp shows the band at their rawest, oftentimes most goofy and irreverent, and oftentimes best. Pick it up.

25,00 €
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 LP 12"25,00 €